These Terms also govern any services that you may receive through the Bellhop Platforms, including, but not limited to, any services that you may receive from Bellhop, its subsidiaries, or affiliates, or the Third Party Providers (defined below).

These Terms govern your access to and/or use of (i) Bellhop’s websites, including without limitation its websites at and, (collectively, the “Websites”), (ii) Bellhop’s mobile applications (each, a “Bellhop App” and collectively, the “Bellhop Apps”), and (iii) Bellhop’s telephone ordering platform (the “Telephone Platform”) (collectively, the Websites, Bellhop Apps, and the Telephone Platform are referred to herein as the “Bellhop Platforms”). The following terms of service (the “Terms”) constitute a legally binding agreement between you (also referred to below as “User”) and Bellhop, Inc.